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How to calculate the maximum travel of MERIDA EXPERT TR dropper post you can fit
The dropper post is an essential part of any mountain biker’s arsenal and we fit our own MERIDA EXPERT TR dropper post to a large number of bikes across our range. It’s a reliable, lightweight and compact unit that’s been well-reviewed in the press and it comes in a number of different travel versions, ranging from 100 mm all the way up to 170 mm.
While most riders will want the maximum travel of the dropper post, this isn’t always possible due to a number of factors such as the maximum insertion depth of the frame and the maximum saddle height that the rider can have.
Calculating which travel option of EXPERT TR post can be fitted is simple, however. Just follow these steps and you’ll know which is the best option for you.
Step 1
With the current seat post at the maximum riding height, measure from the saddle rails to the top of the frame where the seat post is clamped. This is measurement 1.
If measurement 1 is 156 mm or under, you will not be able to fit an EXPERT TR dropper to your bike.
If measurement 1 is between 157 mm and 181 mm, the maximum travel post you can theoretically use is 100 mm.
If measurement 1 is between 182 mm and 206 mm, the maximum travel post you can theoretically use is 125 mm.
If measurement 1 is between 207 mm and 226 mm, the maximum travel post you can theoretically use is 150 mm.
If measurement 1 is 227 mm or greater, the maximum travel post you can theoretically use is 170 mm.
Step 2
You now need to check that the frame has sufficient clearance to insert the travel post you require into it.
Insert your current seat post as low as possible into the frame, until it bottoms out. Measure from the seat post clamp to the saddle rails. This is measurement 2.
Step 3
Now remove your original post from the frame and measure from the saddle rails to the very bottom of the post. This is measurement 3.
Subtract measurement 2 from measurement 3 to give measurement 4.
Step 4
You now need to add measurement 1 to measurement 4.
If the result is 313 mm or greater you can use a 100 mm post.
If the result is 364 mm or greater you can use a 125 mm post.
If the result is 414 mm or greater you can use a 150 mm post.
If the result is 464 mm or greater you can use a 170 mm post.
To find out more about the MERIDA EXPERT TR dropper post range, head to the website here.