30. mar. 2022
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30. mar. 2022
MERIDA Ambassador Hazel Findlay climbs 9a graded route
25. mar. 2022
Welcome to the new disc-equipped TIME WARP TT
28. feb. 2022
SCULTURA takes centre stage in the latest GCN presenter challenge
21. feb. 2022
31. jan. 2022
José Antonio Hermida joins the Team Bahrain Victorious training camp
25. jan. 2022
Sonny Colbrelli video series - the magic of coffee
24. jan. 2022
Trailbuilding - a MERIDA story
17. jan. 2022
Sonny Colbrelli video series - hitting the hills
10. jan. 2022
Sonny Colbrelli video series - interviewing his father
5. jan. 2022
José Hermida's NINETY-SIX RC 9000 Dream Build
4. jan. 2022
Sonny Colbrelli video series - the interview
4. jan. 2022
Sonny Colbrelli video series - the ride
28. des. 2021
The Sonny Colbrelli story - meet the man behind the bike
16. des. 2021
Three Nations - 3 Nacions - a MERIDA e-bike story
24. nov. 2021
SILEX and Iceland - the perfect pairing
2. nov. 2021
Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå’s five top tips for your first cross-country race
1. nov. 2021
Dave's 586km, 37 hour EPIC charity ride across the length of Wales - twice
21. okt. 2021
What are bikepacking bags and how do you pack them?
11. okt. 2021
How to use the iWOC One controller on your MAHLE Smart Bike Systems X35 equipped MERIDA bicycle
8. okt. 2021
Toni Ferreiro’s five top tips for your first enduro race
24. sep. 2021
SCULTURA TEAM dream build by the road bike channel
16. sep. 2021
THE 2021 MERIDA EX Enduro powered by Shimano STEPS
17. aug. 2021
MAHLE’s Smart Bike Systems lightweight X35 ebike drive unit explained
9. aug. 2021
Is this the most versatile ebike we make? MERIDA eBIG.TOUR 400 EQ overview
20. jul. 2021
Tres Nacions – three countries in one day
20. jul. 2021
Trail or XC hardtail? MERIDA BIG.TRAIL or BIG.NINE? Which one is best for you?
12. jul. 2021
What are bikepacking bags and what's the best way to pack them? MERIDA bikepacking luggage range.
9. jul. 2021
12 hours of 'down-country' - why wouldn't you?
29. jun. 2021
How to EASILY repair a tubeless tyre puncture on the trail Fix leaks FAST!
23. jun. 2021
What's best for cross-country? Hardtail or full suspension? BIG.NINE or NINETY-SIX?
16. jun. 2021
How much have eMTBs changed in four years? 2021 eONE-SIXTY 10K vs 2017 eONE-SIXTY 900E
1. jun. 2021
Meet professional climber, and new e-bike convert Hazel Findlay
31. mai 2021
Can the eSILEX beat the traffic in the latest GCN presenter challenge?
25. mai 2021
eONE-SIXTY or eONE-FORTY? Enduro eMTB or trail eMTB? Which one is best for you?
18. mai 2021
Convert your bike to TUBELESS in SIX easy steps | Ditch innertubes for fewer punctures
6. mai 2021
Finn riktig størrelse på din neste Merida-sykkel.
4. mai 2021
REACTO 9000-E – a Dream Build
8. apr. 2021
XC hardtail vs XC fulldempet - Hva er best på langtur?
8. apr. 2021
SILEX+ 6000 Dream Build
3. mar. 2021
EMBN presenter challenge on-board our eONE-FORTY
15. feb. 2021
Time to get between the tapes
2. feb. 2021
NINETY-SIX 8000 Dream Build
18. jan. 2021
The Elena Martinello interview
13. jan. 2021
The Kristin Atzeni interview
13. jan. 2021
Five reasons why hardtails are perfect for winter
12. jan. 2021
Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå, José Antonio Hermida and Toni Ferreiro to extend contract with MERIDA
15. des. 2020
ENERGY GUARD and ENERGY GUARD TWIST - a step-by-step guide
30. nov. 2020
30. sep. 2020
NON-STOP FROM THE PYRENEES TO THE SEA - A gravel tour with José Hermida
2. sep. 2020
The new REACTO on GCN
2. sep. 2020
EP8 powered eONE-SIXTY on EMBN
30. jul. 2020
Online now: The new models 2021
26. jun. 2020
EMBN to check out the eONE-SIXTY LIMITED
26. mar. 2020
José Hermida and Toni Ferreiro at the World E-Bike Series
18. des. 2019
Gunn-Rita Dahle Flesjå and José Hermida - Experience, passion and history
14. nov. 2019
The new eBIG.TOUR and eBIG.NINE - perfect to recharge your batteries
25. okt. 2019
Clemens Kaudela to move on to pastures new
1. okt. 2019
The new eONE-FORTY - video
19. sep. 2019