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德國登山車雜誌World of MTB,將最新評測冠軍寶座獻給BIG.NINE 9000
美利達單避震旗艦BIG.NINE 9000(大9),在德國最新一期(#1.19)的World of MTB雜誌測試單元中,以其高輕量與高性能,脫穎而出成為最佳推薦首選。
M尺寸,不含踏板,成車重量僅有8.8kg,輕盈的重量,操控更敏捷銳利,剛性不減反增,頂級零組件支援,BIG.NINE 9000將給您與眾不同的林道體驗。
World of MTB雜誌說明:「美利達BIG.NINE 9000是所有測試車款中最輕的一員,但操控與騎乘性能調教完美,配上一時之選的零組件,另測試小組感到刮目相看,充滿騎乘樂趣,這的確是一輛稱職的高性能車款。」
Our top of the range BIG.NINE 9000 made its way into the latest World of MTB hardtail test (issue #1.19) and walked away with an impressive test win!
The super refined carbon hardtail dazzled the testers with its impressive handling, its super low weight, the well-selected components and its over-all riding characteristics.
Here the conclusion to the test, translated from the German original.
'The BIG.NINE 9000 from MERIDA is the lightest bike in our test and impresses with his feather-light handling and spritely riding performance. The new XTR components don’t just look very top end, but they also, similarly to the rest of the components, do a first-class job.'
Super feedback on our ‘pride and joy’ hardtail.
To find out more about the BIG.NINE 9000, please follow the link below.
For the overview of our very broad BIG.NINE range, which consists of 8 carbon and 14 aluminium models, please click here.